ThinkMarble is one of the premiere Cyber Security companies based in the South. They help secure all manner of businesses and align them with current security standards, preparing them for the future. The website and branding cleanup had a completion deadline of a month due to an upcoming UK government security initiative.
At first, they were using a logo designed by their retained design agency. I felt that this logo required a touch of simplification and clarity to be at it’s best. So I removed much of the visual clutter, brought out the spherical nature of the ‘marble’ and added the split colouring of the name.
In 2017, ThinkMarble offered me the reigns of the entire branding. I decided it would be worth completely overhauling the logo to follow a more modern and versatile form. You can see the differences below:

After cleaning up the branding, we decided upon a punchy, bold design that broke away from the staid style of security sites that were around at the time. They also wanted something that made the site seem ‘alive’. I decided to write some custom code that displayed an ever-updating stream of ‘hacks’. This showed current timestamps, generated random IP addresses, common attackers and potential victims (with an focus on their clientele locations).
The site was responsive and used the latest web security technologies to ensure it’s safety. Alongside the website, I created their responsive email footer, deployed by Office 360. This generated the correct details for each signature based on the employee details already on their systems.
For future design work, I designed a custom font for ThinkMarble called ‘GothSerrat’. This combined elements of Montserrat and Gotham with adjustments to break up some of the ligature connections in line with the logo.

After a few years in the market, ThinkMarble decided they had outgrown their initial identity. They wanted to expand, and this came with a website overhaul, and with it, a bit more time and planning. At the same time, they decided to part ways with their original design agency, and approached me to take over.
So having full creative control for the first time, I tackled their brand update. I provided them with extensive guidelines covering new logo usage, typography and it’s specific attributes, a palette of colours and their use cases etc…
The first project was designing product-sheets, creating hundreds of new icons and infographics. Once I created those, I set to work on the new website. With the website, I had much more time to study existing platforms and their target audience. The main takeaway was that they needed something with more clout. Something that represented their new branding in an impactful and clear way. As with their last site, this was responsive, mobile-first, and based on the DIVI framework.